Mycelium is the vegetative part of a fungus or fungus-like bacterial colony consisting of a mass of braiding, thread like hyphae. Mycelia are of vital importance to the soil as they break down organic material for use in the soil ecosystem.
Beneficial mycelia increase the efficiency of water and nutrient absorption of most plants and provides resistance to some plant pathogens. It is also an important food source for many soil invertebrates.
Glomalin is a soil related protein and is critical to a high functioning soil ecosystem in that it glues everything together excreting a rich earth smell. BioActive Soils fertilisers supply this medium to enhance plant-soil microbiome symbiosis and to help build active carbon (humus) into the soil. Our fish-based products are protein rich enabling protein starved soils to bounce back quickly. The proteins from the breakdown of the fish within our fertilisers are carried by bacteria and fungi enzymes into the soil and plants which directly benefit livestock with a healthier, more balanced diet.
All BioActive Soils base fertiliser products contain significant quantities of mycelium which benefit the soil, plants, and livestock diet on farm.
Soil microbes can’t be seen with the naked eye, but they do exist- so like viewing earth from space, when you turn the biological lights on, they become obvious.
For more in-depth information search the internet for:
- How does mycelium benefit the soil?
- The role of mycelium in plant growth